Tag Archives: Skurvy

  • Happy New Year

    What Remains Screenshot 0.4a


    As we head into 2015, we wanted to share an update on our projects.

    What Remains
    We are adding tons of polish to the game,  including new interactivity,  story, sound, characters, and most importantly scares. The atmosphere is being taken to a whole new level.

    Skurvy development has continued. Eric has done some amazing new assets, including a large Spanish-style colonial fortress. We are still considering game play designs.  Some of them might change what you’ve seem so far considerably.

    Our goal is to release both of these titles this year. We hope you are looking forward to them!

    Happy 2015!

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  • Sneak Peek at Skurvy

    Skurvy screenshot 03/05/2014

    Today, I wanted to give everyone a preview of the game we are currently working on, Skurvy.  As with any of our games, Skurvy started out as a simple idea.  The biggest challenge we’ve faced as an indie developer is resources.  We have a lot of ideas for games but being just three people, there are many concepts we don’t have the manpower to realize.  We noticed this trend in our jam entry games.  We always ran out of time to implement the idea we came up for the jam fully.  Minimalist Horror Story, Ten Seconds of Night and particularly Brass Bastards were not finished to our satisfaction.   We had great ideas for them but didn’t have the time to implement them completely.  We will talk more about that in a future post.  At best I’d say each of those games is half finished.  So, a few months ago Eric came to us with an idea for an interesting and straightforward game, a pirate themed rogue-like FPS.  He wanted to do it with a simple graphical style and did a few mock ups.   

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